The JBoss AS 7.1.1 Final ships with Mojarra implementation of JSF versions 1.2 and 2.1.7. However sometimes developers need to change or upgrade the JSF version.
Prior to this JBoss version web applications could load their own JSF by placing the jar in WEB-INF/lib and adding the following context-param in web.xml.
At the time of this writing I have used version 2.1.19.
Good luck.
Prior to this JBoss version web applications could load their own JSF by placing the jar in WEB-INF/lib and adding the following context-param in web.xml.
But this doesn't work anymore for 7.1.1. Following is how you can do true
At the time of this writing I have used version 2.1.19.
- First you need to download the jsf-impl and jsf-api jars that you want. Here are the MVN Repository for jsf-impl and jsf-api.
- Place the jsf-impl jar in the path modules/com/sun/jsf-impl/main.
- Open the module.xml of that directory and change the value of path of resource-root as
- Now place the jsf-api jar in the path modules/javax/faces/api/main.
- Open the module.xml of that directory and change the value of path of resource-root as
- Because jsf-api depends on jsf-impl you need to add the dependency in the module of jsf-api as
Now you are good to run you server. While running the server if you see the following line:
14:14:08,379 INFO [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config] (MSC service thread 1-4) Initializing Mojarra 2.1.19 ( 20130213-1512 for context '/your-app'Then everything is fine.
Good luck.